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160 liter - Fleksible toilet og spildevandstank - lev. med 90 gr. 16 og 38 mm slangestudse

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4.485,00 DKK
Køb nu og modtag den mellem 18.03.25 og 20.03.25
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The VETUS TANKV160 flexible tank is suitable to store grey and black waste water and is odour tight. It can be installed easily and quickly. It assumes the shape of the space in which it is placed and can be positioned in places that are normallydifficult to reach. There is no need for any additional installation parts. Fitting the outlet nipple and connecting the hoses for inlet and outlet are the only things to be done. When filled, the height is approx. 30 cm.
We not only weld the seams, but in addition we also weld an extra strip. This makes the VETUS flexible tank resistant against much higher pressures, especially if the contents are moving when the boat is rolling or pitching.

Construction – see drawing for details: 
• 1. Two right angle nipples Ø 38 mm (supplied with the tank)
• 2. Right angle breather nipple Ø 16 mm, already fitted.

Additional fittings:

Some toilets has outlet for internal hose diameter 16, 19 and 25mm - this is not suppyed and must be bourgt seperately - please look for item no FT16B, FT19B, FT25B)

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Fabrikant Vetus
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